Friday 30 March 2012

One Album A Day #1: Julia Holter - Ekstasis (2012)

Good Afternoon

There is something haunting in the voice of Julia Holter, a talented Indie from Los Angeles, California. Her whispers and angel-like voice place her in my musical scale between Lisa Gerrard (Dead Can Dance) and Elizabeth Fraser (Cocteau Twins) on one side and Laurie Anderson (For her experimental genre) and Joanna Newsome (For the legnth and wisdom you can find in her songs). I just finished listenning to her last release, Ekstasis (2012), and I'm still trying to figure out that brilliant piece of music I've just heard. It seems as one of the greatest albums of 2012, you have to listen it open minded and concetrated. Our sorrows and Boy in the moon were my favourite of this album, here are two samples of this album, tell me what you think about that...

Total Rate: 9/10

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